Do you own a dictionary site that you'd like to see on OneLook? Read this first.
Not every dictionary on the Web is suitable for inclusion in OneLook's index.
We strive to make sure that every dictionary on our site is:
Available: Your site must be accessible at all times
of day, every day.
Free: You must not charge a fee or require registration to view
the definitions made available to OneLook. If you run some other fee-based service,
it's fine to promote it on your pages, but the definitions that OneLook links
to must all be free to access.
Unique: Your dictionary should provide content that is
unique on the Web. In some cases sites based on public domain
sources such as WordNet will be considered, but only if the site functionality
is sufficiently different from dictionaries that are already indexed by
High quality: Your dictionary should be free of spelling
errors in its headwords, and its definitions must be accurate.
(Dictionaries that are collaboratively authored by their users
will be considered, but they often don't meet this standard.)
Commercially neutral: If your dictionary is related to
an area of commercial interest to you (for example, if it's a glossary
attached to your online store), that's great, but the
definition content must not specifically promote your goods or
services. (Litmus test: Would it be realistic for your
competitor to post the very same dictionary to their site?)
Intellectually honest: You must be legally entitled to
publish the content that appears on your site. Furthermore, if you
use content from another source, whether or not it's in the
public domain, that source must be fully acknowledged on your
Designed to inform, with a high content/ads ratio: Your dictionary should
not contain excessive banner ads, pop-ups, text ads, or other advertising.
It must not contain any promotion of adware/spyware whatsoever.
Sites which appear to exist only as advertising vehicles will not be
included in our index. Your site should help your visitors learn things,
not exploit them for a quick buck!
To submit a site to OneLook, please send us a message via our feedback form
telling us about your site, including its name and URL.
Optional: OneLook can index most dictionary sites without any help from the webmaster,
but help is appreciated for larger or more complex sites. For fastest processing, create a
file on your web server that includes a link for every word in your dictionary, one link
per line. Such a file might look something like this:
If you keep this file updated with all the words on your site, and send us an URL at
which we can access the file (in addition to the URL for your main home page),
it will be easier to index your site and keep its word list updated on our end.